quo knows

You had to know that it was just a matter of time before quo added an advice page.  Come on, it was the natural next step.

This is how it works.  You submit your question and if quo thinks you can benefit from his reply he  will answer  you with quo-like wisdom.  If he doesn’t think he can help, he will ignore you.  No harm, no foul.  Your original question will be published anonymously, so rest easy.  Though questions and responses may vary in length and be done for each specific question chosen, here is a general example of how it will go:

Dear quo:

My boyfriend is pressuring me to have sex.  What should I do?


Or perhaps…

Dear quo:

All the guys at the factory are picking on me because I’m fat.  How should I handle that?


For now, just submit your question in the comment field and start it with “question:”.  It’s that easy.  And don’t feel too bad if your question isn’t one of those chosen by quo to answer.  Quo is usually very busy saving the world and we should just be thankful he takes some time out to help us when he has a chance.    Also, remember, quo is sometimes an idiot, so don’t take him too seriously.

You may begin.

3 comments on “quo knows

  1. Pensez-vous que hemoriods la taille de haricots de Lima devraient vraiment être un sujet de préoccupation?

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