Very Inspiring Blogger Award


Thanks to G.E. Gallas ( )   for nominating me for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I don’t know if she drinks, but I suspect she wasn’t in her right mind when she did it.  However, I will accept it as the honor it was intended and pass forward that respect to other great blogs that I find inspiring many different reasons.  Visit all of them to know what I mean. 



1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.


Seven Things About The Creator of land of quo.

  1. He refuses to disclose his gender.
  2. He refuses to disclose he will be fifty years old at his next birthday.
  3. He refuses to dislose that he finished law school late in life and has been successful at failing the bar exam twice so far.  Third attempt coming up in July 2013.
  4. He refuses to disclose he lives in Michigan.
  5. He refuses to disclose he is a 33rd degree Freemason.
  6. He refuses to disclose he enjoys creating the land of quo posts, but sometimes finds it difficult to meet the five new posts per day he has promised.
  7. He will disclose, however, that he truly believes this life is too important to be taken too seriously.


Nominate 15 Other Bloggers

Although relatively new to blogging, quo’s creator has found the following blogs and bloggers worthy of a closer look and worthy of the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  Inspiration can come in many different forms: political, spiritual, motivation, tenacity, passion, devotion, resolve, etc.  Here they are in no particular order.  Promise you’ll check them out.  Quo will know if you’re lying.

  1. Knocked Over By A Feather
  2. The Temenos Journal
  3. The Tao of Loafing
  4. Five Little Monkeys
  5. Summer’s Place
  6. Fairy Tale Epidemic
  7. Family Survival Protocol
  8. Bored In a Record Shop
  9. Art By Ken
  10. By Golly Daily
  11. Lively Sceptic
  12. A Day In The Life Of Shareen A.
  13. Words4JP’s Blog
  14. Misebogland
  15. Martin Gilbraith

27 comments on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Oh btw Congratulations on your award, my bad I forgot. The comments amused me so much it skipped my mind. Yeah , yeah it could have to do with age , but I am sticking with the amused story.

    Very nice blog you have here, thank you once again 🙂

  2. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | knocked over by a feather

  3. I am glad MerBear recommended your blog on her blog. If she thinks you’re funny, than there is a chance she is right and she was! Enjoy the quotes, don’t know how you can do five of them a day *shrugs* but keep it up.

    And yes, the hard work actually comes AFTER being nominated, which is why I’m so very behind on posting some from the beginning of February. But shh… let’s not tell anyone -_-

    • Thanks for the support. Glad to hear I’m not the only one behind on award nominations. Don’t feel like you have to follow through with mine. My nominating you was more a show of appreciation than anything else. Peace.

  4. Look like great things follow in circles. It was Merbear that led me to your page…and I am glad she did.
    Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you for doing what you do, and inspiring me to continue with what I have started.

    Award Mash-Up Blog

    (No obligations to post, just coming from the heart)

  5. Pingback: 284 ~ Thank You | Fairytale Epidemic

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